Sunday, January 20, 2008


The closing arguments in the first round of Columbus Day Hate Speech trials will begin at 8:30 am in District Court courtroom 186L (this is a shift from the original courtroom of 117M). Closing arguments for the defenders, Julie Todd, Koreena Montoya, and Glenn Morris, will be led by our outstanding attorneys David Lane and Mark Brandes. Our other amazing legal team members, Thom Cincotta, Qusair Mohammedbai, and Lonn Heymann, will assist in the closing arguments and jury instructions.
After closing arguments by both sides, the case will go the jury, and a verdict is expected to be reached sometime on Tuesday. All TCD members and supporters are invited and encourages to attend the proceedings. The outcome of the case may have a determinative effect on the remaining 70+ cases, remaining from the C-Day arrests.
Among some of the amazing developments in the case last week, which took up all of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, was the testimony of Rev. Todd and Ms. Montoya, accompanied by videos of misogynist police brutality in both cases. The jury was visibly shaken by the torture administered by the Denver police through what it euphemistically calls "pain compliance" techniques. Glenn Morris was on the witness stand for over two hours, recounting the racist history and legacy of Columbus, and going toe-to-toe with Denver city prosecutor Melissa Drazen-Smith during cross-examination. Morris' testimony concluded with defense attorney David Lane demonstrating for the jury the sound and the power of the AIM/Four Winds drum singing the AIM song, as it was done in the streets on October 6th, this time in open court. An amazing and very powerful day of testimony. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


jasmoonbutterfly said...

irst time I have heard off this...any petitions I can sign?
namaste Tracey

Anonymous said...

變天了~~注意身體,別感冒囉! .................................................................